David Lozeau's Custom-Created Cyclops Mummy Munnys for AFTERCON 2010
Artist David Lozeau has created customized “Cyclops Mummy” Munny dolls to be displayed and auctioned at the AFTERCON 2010 show in Shel Dorf’s Honor. The AFTERCON show will run concurrently with San Diego’s Comic-Con International, July 22-24, from 8PM to midnight each day. For more about the show, visit the official AFTERCON site at aftercon.blogspot.com.

A blank Kidrobot Munny Prior to Customization
Munnys are blank vinyl dolls from Kidrobot that may be painted, drawn on, and otherwise customized. Above is a “before” picture of a blank Munny. Kidrobot was kind enough to donate several blank Munny dolls to be customized by artists for the AFTERCON 2010 show.
David Lozeau has also posted a gallery of pictures showing the step-by-step process he employed in creating the Cyclops Mummy Munnys, which you can view at http://www.flickr.com/photos/dlozeau/sets/72157624315812663/.
To see more of David Lozeau’s great art, visit http://www.davidlozeau.com.